It’s 3:00pm and you are about to need a nap right?  I usually have an afternoon latte myself, but started to make smoothies with my kids, and found that it gave me a longer boost of energy!

My ratio is 1 cup of any Greek yogurt (it gives it a shake-like consistency), 1 cup of frozen or fresh fruit of your choice, 1 cup of low-fat or skim milk, 2 tablespoons of  wheat germ (folic acid), and voila, a great snack for all!

*For a thicker consistency, add more yogurt by eye and give the kids a spoon and they think its ice cream!

*For a thinner consistency add more milk to thin it out.

*Great tip my mother in law gave me, is that if your bananas are ripe, peel them and wrap them in plastic wrap, then put them in a large ziplock and freeze!

*Also BJ’s Costco and all supermarkets sell large bags of frozen fruit, which is a great way for parents on the go to make a QUICK snack!


PB and J smoothie: Follow the above ratio, but use strawberries and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.

Winter Blues smoothie: Follow the above ratio but use blueberries.

Summer smoothie: Use pineapple Greek yogart and add a banana or mango for the fruit ratio.

Fruit smoothie: Use 2 cups of fruit, and 1 cup of OJ, apple, grape or pineapple juice depending what you like.

